Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Hypocrisy of God Vs. Government

Everyone I know has some concept of a higher power or the idea of consequences or rewards of the afterlife.  Some of the biggest holy rollers I know are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to following the word of God according to the bible.  Most have sinned till it became habit, found a church to go to, and are quick to judge the ones that follow in their old past.  Although the word of the bible is the guideline of life the constitution has a bigger impact on how people act in everyday life.  I asked, why is that?  My only conclusion is thinking that it's a fact of life because if you break a law the results can be immediate and will affect your life accordingly whereas if one sins, the results aren't felt right away.  So who really has more control of your life?  What I mean is, why do more people choose to live by the law but not by their higher belief?  My thought is because when it comes to laws, they can be changed according to what better suits a sinner.  Amendments were created to change with the times.  When it doesn't suit a majority of people or how THEY sin, laws are not amended to suit them.  When these closet sinners don't get their way, they are the quickest to guessed it, the bible.  I say we wipe the board clean and if the bible is gonna affect laws, they should across the board and not just what suits the rich and powerful lawmakers.  In our government, money is power.  Always has been, always will be.  That's why the grossly overpaid are able to avoid due consequences when they break laws and your uncle spends half his life in jail for stealing a lollipop from the convenience store.  From what I understand all men were created equal but basic human rights in our "free" country are being violated daily.  Without getting specific, all men and women are created equal and are guaranteed basic freedoms unless it comes to lifestyle decisions that our powerful politicians don't agree with.  Even though most of these politicians are the downright scum of this country that sin for a living, they choose what we can and can't have.  The same politicians that cheat on their wives and lie daily for personal gain are the ones that say homosexuals can't have the same rights of marriage that the rest of us do.  I call bullshit.  Aside from politicians I see the hypocrisy all around me.  I hear a lot of the faithful bitch and moan about how a lady with 10 kids collecting food stamps and housing benefits don't deserve taxpayer money but stand firm about being pro-life.  It's a child of God when it's unborn but not my responsibility when it comes to my taxes.  The same people that say the bible defined the law of marriage are the same ones that are in marriage counseling or constantly fighting and coveting other people.  I guess it's gonna take a gay president to make the changes for equality and the Castro brothers are moving up fast.  This isn't intended to challenge the word of God, it's my way of trying to get hard headed people to think before they judge.  Put your bible away and let your common sense guide you just a little bit.  Remember, you can't control the destiny of others.  Mind your own beeswax and do what suits you.  The country is in a bad state right now, looks like we could use some open minded changes cause your traditional views don't seem to be working.  I'm out, my gay illegal alien cousin is having an abortion with her welfare check.