Sunday, August 12, 2012

Equal Rights and a Chicken Sandwich

Within the last couple of weeks the country was divided by an issue that had the power to disrupt everything that the mighty United States of America stood for.  It could have easily unjustified every time that we poked our nosey government heads into the business of other countries in the name of freedom.  What was the issue you ask?  It wasn't about nuclear weapons or abortion or welfare reform. It was about that dreaded thing that no one ever wants to face....Whether to eat a chicken sandwich or not.  I stood back and saw the debate blow up.  This chain made some statements that said they were against the idea of gay marriage, and so the debate started.  I've been very minimally vocal about my stance on the situation, until now.  Let me start by saying that the separation of church and government seems to only matter when it benefits the government.  Our government works just like a casino, the house will ALWAYS win.  Throw in a successful christian based business and boom, civil war.  I've heard disgusting points of view on the matter and the worst thing I've heard from people so far is that they have friends that are gay, but their church says it's wrong for them to marry so they stand by the church.  Different variations of that statement have been posted via social media and to me it's translated like this: I may say racist things and use the "N" word but I have friends that are black, so i'm not racist.  Where were the christian bible thumping majority when not longer than a few decades ago African Americans were fighting tooth and nail for equal rights?  The minorities in this country couldn't share a freakin water fountain with white people much less be treated fairly.  Fast forward to 2012 and we have in my opinion the same type of issue.  Lets not kid ourselves, the institute of marriage between what christians assume is acceptable isn't exactly as the bible thumpers make it out to be.  There are quite a few of my readers who have gone through a divorce.  Some have been married multiple times, or have had extramarital affairs and think nothing of it.  But ask them to support gay marriage and they feel that they will burn in hell for standing up for what should be an equal human right.  These are the same people who will shun and disown their own children for being gay.  Where are the God given morals and values in disowning your own blood?  A huge turning of the tides is coming.  Equal rights will prevail.  I hope that humanity chooses to do what's right.  Imagine your surprise when you get up to the pearly gates and Saint Peter is jamming to some Indigo girls, wearing a half t-shirt and cut off jean shorts with birkenstocks, hair in a pony tail and a martini in one hand.  While I'm in the express line to the promised land, I'm sure there will be a Chick-fil-A for the rest of you to hang out at.


  1. Amen, brother! Hey..KFC has no such position...they just want to sell you some if you're hankering for a chicken!
